Here are the commands you would use to determine if or when “max clients” have been reached on your Linux VPS.
1. Open an application like Putty or whatever program you use to SSH to servers.
2. SSH to the VPS (Virtual Private Server) you want to check.
3. Run the following commands at the prompt:
cd /var/log/httpd
Then this:
cat error_log |grep -i max
You’ll see something like the following information below come up.
CT-1431-bash-4.1# cat error_log-********* |grep -i max
[Sun Feb 19 04:20:53 2017] [notice] Creating 4 session mutexes based on 20 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Sun Feb 19 13:50:30 2017] [error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting
[Sun Feb 19 19:54:23 2017] [notice]Creating 4 session mutexes based on 20 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Mon Feb 20 04:06:36 2017] [notice] Creating 4 session mutexes based on 20 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Mon Feb 20 04:11:45 2017] [notice] Creating 4 session mutexes based on 20 max processes and 0 max threads.