We can provide hosted Exchange accounts for a few mailboxes while the rest of their mailboxes continue to reside on another mail server.
Here is how it can be done. Your domain name is called yourdomain.com; that email for yourdomain.com is on another email server.
You would like username@yourdomain.com to use a Hosted Exchange Server account at InfoQuest, here are the step to take below.
1. Sign up for the Hosted Exchange Email Service.
2. For the domain name of the subscription use yourdomain.site.infoquest.com
(Where is says “yourdomain” you type in your domain without the extension. ie.. johnsmith.com, you would type in johnsmith.site.infoquest.com)
3. A hosted exchange subscription will be created in POA for the domain yourdomain.site.infoquest.com.
Log into Customer Control Panel, click on Hosted Domains, click on your hybrid domain and add Mail Hosting to this domain.
4. Then select Exchange Tab, Click Add New Mailbox. for username as username@yourdomain.site.infoquest.com
5. Select the email box just created and click the “email addresses tab”
6. From the email addresses tab click the “change” button under the Primary E-mail address, click on the “custom email address” option and click next section and set the primary address to username@yourdomain.com. This will result in the delivery of an email to the existing username@yourdomain.com email address (at the existing mailserver) with instructions on how to approve this request. The email you receive at username@yourdomain.com will contain an authorization URL that when clicked will authorize the request on InfoQuest’s Hosted Exchange server.
7. Once the authorization is complete, the email address created for the Hosted Exchange account will use username@yourdomain.com as the primary
8. From the email account of your existing mail server, setup forwarding so that username@yourdomain.com forwards to username@yourdomain.site.infoquest.com.
This will cause email sent to your existing host addressed to username@yourdomain.com to automatically forward to your username@yourdomain.site.infoquest.com hosted exchange mailbox. Since mail sent to username@yourdomain.com is now forwarding to InfoQuest’s Hosted Exchange server you should set the option at your original host not to keep a copy of the forwarded email. This way the username@yourdomain.com email box at your original host will not fill up.
9. Then test it. Send an email to username@yourdomain.com.
Logon to your InfoQuest Hosted Exchange account through Outlook Web Access by visiting https://exchange.infoquest.com/ and login as username@yourdomain.com
You should see the test email sent to username@yourdomain.com.
Reply to the test email and it will be returned to the recipient.
They will see your return address as displayed as username@yourdomain.com
10. In addition to using Outlook Web Access you can now connect to your Hosted exchange account through Outlook by following the download and configuration instructions in InfoQuest Hosted Exchange control panel.